Breastfeeding my husband Transformed His Health, Our Bond – Mom of 3
Rachel Bailey, a 30-year-old mother of three, has opened up about her unconventional practice of breastfeeding her husband, Alexander, also 30.
She claims this unique approach has not only strengthened their relationship but has also positively impacted his health.
Since Alexander began breastfeeding in 2017, the couple who lives in the United States has embraced this practice wholeheartedly. Rachel notes that he hasn’t caught a cold in two years and has received numerous compliments on his skin.
Alexander’s journey into bre@stfeeding started when Rachel was struggling with over-lactation while nursing their children. “When my middle child, Aria, now six, was breastfeeding, I went on a cruise with Alexander and forgot my breast pump. I was engorged for two days and in a lot of pain,” she explained. Fearing an infection, they decided that Alexander would try drinking her milk to relieve her discomfort.
“We were nervous about the idea, but once we tried it, we realized it was perfectly fine,” Rachel said. She described the relief she felt when Alexander latched on, stating, “It created a special bond between us that we never would have experienced otherwise.”

Initially, when Rachel was producing the most milk after giving birth, Alexander would drink her milk three to four times a day. “I love breastfeeding him; it allows us to spend quality time together. It has definitely brought us closer as a couple,” she shared.

While she used to do it at breakfast, lunch, and dinner, Rachel now only does so at night as her milk supply has decreased. She emphasized that her children remain her top priority, ensuring they are fed before she shares any remaining milk with Alexander.